Figures released today by the National Association of Realtors are a good indicator that the market continues to improve – though at very modest levels. I’ve been saying for months that the market is, in this post recessionary period, improving though will continue to do so with minor bumps in the road along the way. Last month’s lower than expected sales figures were just … [Read more...]
Home Sales Drop; Colorado Still on High End
Home Sales Take a Drastic Plunge … [Read more...]
100 Best Places to Live in America, 2010 Edition
< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> Untitled Document If you focus only on the averages, life in the typical American town frankly doesn't seem so hot right now. The median home continues to lose value. Cash-strapped state and local governments are cutting services. And unemployment, at 9.3%, … [Read more...]
March issue of Alice P’s Market Update is now online!
Check out this month's issue of Alice P's Market Update! This month's e-zine features articles about home inspections, tips for improving the air quality in your home, a great guide for buying fish, and an updated outlook on current home sales statistics. Click here to read it! … [Read more...]
February issue of Alice P’s Market Update is online!
Check out this month's issue of Alice P's Market Update that is now online by clicking here. This month's issue includes a feature article from our stager, Kathy Lanning; some great resources and tips for earning rebates and tax credit for purchasing energy-efficient appliances, and a brief look at how interest rates really affect your monthly mortgage payments and 30 years worth of savings. … [Read more...]